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JP CS Youtube

Get your Youtube videosd accessed via Dynamic Content of YOOtheme Pro. Install and setup plugin, API and channel key and use any YOOtheme Pro element ...

Latest Version: 1.1.4
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CS


Add any RSS feed URL to this Custom Dynamic Source and use its content in your Dynamic Builder setup.  In example you can add a external news web...

Latest Version: 1.6
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CS

JP CE Modal Pro

JP CE Modal Pro is an incredibly versatile extension for YOOtheme PRO that allows you to enhance your website with interactive modal windows. With sup...

Latest Version: 2.2.4
€ 25.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP Particles

Simple Joomla plugins that enables you to easily setup and configure a particles animation background (based upon https://vincentgarreau.com/particles...

Latest Version: 1.0.6
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 P

VMuikit X (10.x.x)

Full Dynamic Content support for VirtueMart! Use the power of YOOthemes Pro Builder to create Dynamic Templates for VirtueMart! Go to our dedicate VMu...

Latest Version: 10.40
€ 75.00 (6 months)

JP Joom2Static

With Joom2static you can create a static HTML website from Joomla. With included optimizations for minify and combine JS/CSS + image optimization via ...

Latest Version: 1.2.2
€ 50.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 C

VirtueMart One Page Checkout

This is a One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 3 that will work with most regular payment methods in Virtuemart. It comes with a modern mobile friendly de...

Latest Version: 2.4.4
€ 50.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 P VM

VirtueMart Electroneum Payment Method

A VirtueMart payment method for the Electroneum Instant Payment API Easy to setup and configure to your Electroneum Vendor API data. Its been tested w...

Latest Version: 1.2
€ 5.00 (1 lifetime)

VirtueMart Electroneum Prices

Show Electroneum (ETN) prices in your VirtueMart eCommerce site. Plugins displays automatically prices on the product details and cart page of VirtueM...

Latest Version: 1.2
€ 5.00 (1 lifetime)

Electroneum Donate Plugin

With this Joomla plugin you can easily add a simple Electroneum Donation form that is integrated with Electroneums Instant Payment API.

Latest Version: 1.0.2
€ 5.00 (1 lifetime)
J3 P

JP CE Switcher Pro

To expand on the JP CE Switcher Pro, it's a custom element that adds advanced features to the switcher/tab type element in YOOtheme Pro. One of the ke...

Latest Version: 2.2.7
€ 25.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP CE Heading GIF FX

JP CE Heading GIF FX is a powerful extension that allows you to create a cool cutout effect of fonts with an animated GIF file within the text. With t...

Latest Version: 2.0.4
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP CE Team Profile

JP CE Team Profile is the perfect solution for creating a nice team/member page for your website. With this plugin, you can easily add a nice contact ...

Latest Version: 2.1.4
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP CE Audio Player Pro

Introducing JP CE Audio Player Pro, a cutting-edge extension for YOOtheme Pro Page Builder that revolutionizes your website's audio experien...

Latest Version: 3.0.6
€ 35.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP CE Calendar Events

Create a stunning calendar event element that provides you to save all your upcoming events. From this you can also download the calendar ICS file for...

Latest Version: 2.2.5
€ 20.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP CE Social Share

JP CE Social Share element for YOOtheme PRO provides you with an easy way to display various popular social share buttons. Using this you can emb...

Latest Version: 2.2.7
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JP CE Youtube Channel Grid

JP CE Youtube Channel Grid is an easy way to create an automatic video grid from your YouTube channel or a specific playlist. With this plugin, you do...

Latest Version: 2.1.2
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

JoomDonation Electroneum Payment

Electroneum Instant Payment for Joomlas leading donation extension. JoomDonation is powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla donation extension. I...

Latest Version: 1.0.1
€ 5.00 (1 lifetime)
J3 P

HikaShop Electroneum Payment

This is a payment plugin for HikaShop to integrate the Electroneum Instant Payment API. Sell products with HikaShop and let your customers pay and che...

Latest Version: 1.0.1
€ 5.00 (1 lifetime)
J3 P

J2Store Electroneum Payment

Get the Electroneum Instant Payment Plugin for your Joomla / J2Store ecommerce platform. Simple installation and configuration. Make sure you get your...

Latest Version: 1.0.1
€ 5.00 (1 lifetime)
J3 P

JP Image Prepare

Ever had your clients create wrong image size/ratio for their blog or product images? Do they upload multi megapixel images that bog down the optimiza...

Latest Version: 1.0.6
€ 25.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 C

JP VM Ajax Search

JP VM Ajax Search is a powerful ajax search module for Joomla to display Virtuemart product search result using keywords. Most interesting and unique ...

Latest Version: 1.1.5
€ 25.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 M VM

JP CE Contact Form

JP CE Contact Form is the perfect solution for adding a simple CTA button to your website. With this extension, you can easily create a button that op...

Latest Version: 2.1.2
€ 15.00 (6 months)
J3 J4 W Y P CE

VM Klarna Checkout Enhanced (API v3)

Payment module for Klarna Checkout (for Klarna API v3) for VirtueMart with enhanced features. We have built this plugin in close corporation with the ...

Latest Version: 1.11
€ 50.00 (6 months)

VirtueMart E-mail / Invoice Enhanced

This plugin overrides the standard VirtueMart e-mail confirmation and PDF invoice with new variants with better layout. There are also a few more conf...

Latest Version: 1.3
€ 30.00 (6 months)
* Displayed prices are excluding VAT. Correct prices / VAT will be calculated in the checkout.
Joomla 4.0 supported
6 months support & updates
6 months of access to support and downloads/updates. The extensions will keep working after this period.
Joomla 3.10 supported
Unlimited Websites
You can install all our extensions on as many websites as you like.
Wordpress version available
Custom Development
If you encounter any problems with your website that does not cover support we might offer you a custom quote to help you.
Look for these icons for available supported platforms:
Joomla 4.0 supported
Joomla® 5.x support
New Joomla® 5 supported!
Joomla 3.10 supported
Joomla® 3.x support
Joomla® 3.9 / 3.10 supported
Wordpress version available
Wordpress version
Alternative WP version available