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JP Particles

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JP Particles is an effective plugin that enables you to easily setup and configure a particles animation background any layout position in your joomla website (based upon https://vincentgarreau.com/particles.js/).

How to install:

  • Download the latest “JP Particles” plugin package from product page.

  • Install the downloaded “jp_particles.zip” using the extension manager menu in the administrator section of your Joomla website.

  • After JP plugin successfully installed in your website then go to the next step.
  • From the main joomla menu click “Extensions -> Plugins”. Use the Search or Filter feature to find the installed plugin, and then make sure the installed plugin is enabled.

Add particles effect to template:

  • Here we demonstrated using "YOOtheme PRO" template website builder and you can use your own template to do the same.

  • Then you can easily add the particle effect by adding the class name "addparticles" to the section in which you want to use the effect .
  • Note: Please remove any bg image or any other bg color to the section if anything applied.

  • Instantly the particle effect is added to the desired template layout when you add the additional class .

JP Particles Configuration :

JP Particles plugin settings makes easy to design the particles animation effect according to your requirements.

  • Under "Download ID - Auto Updates", gently fill the Download ID received during the product purchase for easy updates of future versions directly from the joomla extensions.

  • You can find the different settings for JP Particles. And look into all one-by-one briefly

  • Particles Count (1 - 250) - Describes number of particles be used in the animated effect.
  • --- Minimum count value "1"
  • --- Maximum count value "250"
  • --- Note: Please check the animation speed with maximum count, which may affect the browser loaidng speed.

  • Particles Type - Select multiple type of particles to be used in your effect.
  • --- Circle
  • --- Edge
  • --- Triangle
  • --- Polygon
  • --- Star
  • --- Image

You can also use your own particle image in the effects by using Particles Type as "Image". Please note image to be used must be either jpg or png format.

  • Particle Image Width Ratio (1 - 100) - Describes the width ratio of the image particle.
  • --- Minimum size "1"
  • --- Maximum size "100"

  • Particle Image Height Ratio (1 - 100) - Describes the height ratio of the image particle.
  • --- Minimum size "1"
  • --- Maximum size "100"

  • Particles Size (1 - 100) - Describes the particles size .
  • --- Minimum size "1"
  • --- Maximum size "100"

  • Particles Color - Select the particles color from the color palette based on your site theme.

  • Particles Border (0 - 20) - Enter the particles border width which has a values from 0 to 20.
  • Particles Border Color - Select the particles border color from the color palette based on your site theme.

  • Linked Lines Color - Select the particles linked lines color from the color palette .
  • Linked Lines Width (0 - 20) - Enter the lines width which has a value range from 0 to 20.

  • Particle Onhover - Control the particles different hover effect.
  • Particle Onhover Mode - Select multiple hover effects.

  • Particle Line Linked - Control the linked lines between particle effects.

  • Particle Move - Select the direction of the particles moved into the allocated section.

  • Background Color - Select the background color of the JP particles layout section from color palette.

  • Animated Background - Set as "Yes" if you want to use multiple background color for JP particles layout section .

  • Mutiple colors - Enter the multiple background color codes separated by comma to make the JP particles layout section as animated background color effect.

  • Once finished all the settings for the plugin , Click "Save & Close".

Have a look of "JP Particles" output.

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