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Stars reviews

Stars reviews was created by godweb

Posted 1 year 1 week ago #369

I have read the documentation and watched the video of JP CE Grid Pro, which I have installed at the moment only for testing purposes - it looks very nice.

Since I can use Google My Business as a source via "Essential Addons", I was thinking about how to integrate the reviews by displaying the rating stars dynamically. In the video I saw that the stars are inserted manually via image files, but I don't understand how this can be done dynamically: For the review score, Google My Business provides a numerical value (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ): Is it possible to bind this value so that 1 calls the image with a star, 2 calls the image with 2 stars, and so on?

This is definitely possible with another grid that I found in the marketplace: it dynamically generates stars based on the score and there is no image to upload. Is there a way to also achieve this with JP CE Grid Pro, which offers more possibilities with layouts?

Best regards
by godweb

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Replied by joomlapro on topic Stars reviews

Posted 1 year 1 week ago #372
Sorry right now there is no option for this. We will added your suggestion to the plugin road map features list, if feasible will updated in our upcoming version release. Thank you

For urgent help please create a support ticket extensions.joomlapro.com/support/tickets

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Replied by godweb on topic Stars reviews

Posted 11 months 2 weeks ago #408
Hi there,

I've noticed the recent update and appreciate the continuous improvements. However, I was wondering if there's any update on the dynamic star rating feature for Google My Business reviews, as discussed previously. Is this something we can expect in the near future, or should I explore alternative solutions? Your guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.
by godweb

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Replied by joomlapro on topic Stars reviews

Posted 11 months 2 weeks ago #411
Sorry for the inconvenience. We have tagged this as a feature request in our system. This means that we are considering adding this functionality to our product in the future as it might take some extra time to finish. We have to prioritize other tasks and issues that affect more users and have more impact. Thanks for your understanding.

For urgent help please create a support ticket extensions.joomlapro.com/support/tickets

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