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Display custom field with own generated layout in Grid Pro field

Hello guys.
There is a great extension, Advanced Custom Fields from tassos.gr: www.tassos.gr/joomla-extensions/advanced-custom-fields
It has a cool gallery field option, where you can add a gallery to an article, as a custom field: www.tassos.gr/joomla-extensions/advanced...cs/acf-gallery-field
As far as I know the latest version of ACF could be used as a source for multi item elements, but the question is if it could be used as a value of a Grid Pro item's field?
The database value contains a JSON string, but ACF Gallery field plugin has it's own template/rendering.

So the question is if it's possible to use the gallery field as dynamic content, and display the field's rendered output instead of the raw json string? Or some kind of nested solution where I can embed a gallery to a grid's field?
The main goal would be to build a dynamic category blog template with the articles title, gallery field and introtext + readmore.

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Replied by joomlapro on topic Display custom field with own generated layout in Grid Pro field

Posted 1 year 8 months ago #42
Thank you for your suggestions! We can add it to our future plugin road map and review all the recommended features, if possible will implement the same.

For urgent help please create a support ticket extensions.joomlapro.com/support/tickets

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