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Advance Slides on scroll

Advance Slides on scroll was created by RedSageComm

Posted 1 year 7 months ago #159
We've used Yootheme exclusively since 2009 and have built 250+ sites using Yootheme - first with Joomla and we then added WP in 2018.

A feature that would be super helpful is if Slidshow Pro could advance slides with mouse scroll. We would like to make a 'sticky' section, that changes the scene as a visitor scrolls down - this would work with a slideshow using the 'Fade' transition. But finding something that will transition on mouse scroll is almost impossible! Is there a way to do that with Slideshow Pro?
Thank you!

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Replied by joomlapro on topic Advance Slides on scroll

Posted 1 year 7 months ago #161
Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We have added your suggestion to our plugin's future roadmap and will review the recommended features. If possible, we will update them in our upcoming version release.

For urgent help please create a support ticket extensions.joomlapro.com/support/tickets

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