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Social share plugin does not display artitle title and description


I am using two plugins with YOOthemes. In order for YOOthemes to work, I need to install the Phoca Open Graph Plugin. This helps to display the open graph (OG: properties) Images, etc. 
This works when sharing links manually to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc... 

Once I install and enable this plugin (JP CE Social Share) Then suddenly all social links revert to the category title and web description. 

So instead of the title of the article being displayed with its set description, I am now sitting with the articles category as the title and the website description instead of the properties of the article I want to share. 

Please advise. 

Thank you

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Fixed... I forgot to load JQuery in Yootheme...
Hope this helps...

Update: Did a test and still does the same thing... 
Last Edit:1 year 10 months ago by FEgersdorfer
Last edit: 1 year 10 months ago by FEgersdorfer.

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    As we understand that the described issue was fixed after enable the Jquery in the template settings. If you still found any issues, feel free to contact us with site details in support portal. Thank you, 

For urgent help please create a support ticket extensions.joomlapro.com/support/tickets

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