Extension list
Extension list List of all our extensions
Our very popular tool to get YOOtheme Pro and VirtueMart to play togheter. Now with full Dynamic Content Support!
Our long awaited follow up of the very successful VMuikit! - This is PCuikit and is built for the great PhocaCart extension for Joomla 4!
Our Modal Pro custom element is a super effective tool to load content, sections or modules inside of a modal. You can add it as a clickable button ur an auto/onLoad and since 2.0 also onScroll type event (with cookie timing settings).
JP CE Grid Pro
JP CE Modal Pro
JP CE Slideshow Pro
JP CE Social Share
Big mix of Joomla!® specific extensions
Joomla® CMS is our preferred platform for larger and more sophisticated projects. It provides all the necessary functions for a modern website...
Phoca Cart is a versatile e-commerce solution that caters to businesses of all sizes, whether you are running a large online store, a small online store or simply an online catalog. With its user-friendly interface and easy setup...
VirtueMart is a real workhorse of a ecommerce component for Joomla. It might not look like much at the get go - but it is an extremly feature rich and flexible ecommerce platform...
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