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JP CS RSS Feed breaks the site after updating zoolander's yootheme essentials

There is a site, where we use zoolander's Yootheme Essentials for Joomla and JP CS RSS Feed
After we updated Essentials to 2.2.0 or newer (2.2.3 currently) the site breaks.
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I too have this exact issue - just tracked it down to JP CS RSS. Generates a 500 error on the site.Compile Error: Type of JPRSSFeed\RssSourceQueryType::$source must be ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\Type\SourceInterface (as in class ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\AbstractType)   at /home/fiberprocessingk/public_html/plugins/system/jp_cs_feed/source/RssSourceQueryType.php:23 

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@JoomlaPro  - you need to fix this on your end. It's clearly not about an individual site and you do not need individual site admin access. This is an issue on your end and you should have your own test environment to address it. It is affecting at least two people already and I'm sure more are soon to follow.

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We released new version today. please install it.  we support Zoolandar source feature in this plugin. they have changed some code in their latest version. we updated same in our source too. please download lt.


For urgent help please create a support ticket extensions.joomlapro.com/support/tickets

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I can confirm that the update fixed the issue.
Thank you guys for the great support!

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Yes - fixed! Thank you!

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