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Onepage cart features

Onepage cart features was created by digisys

Posted 3 weeks 6 days ago #798
im building new eshop and facing few issues in the onepage cart also i have few ideas for improvements

im using all latest software im not using child theme or overrides only some js and css but they should not affect any of these

1. layout issue on mobile - products part is not full width
can you please confirm this or am i missing something

here is my one cart image and i will explain the issues below
im sending you the link in the private

2. layout issue - shipping logo double AFTER update product numbers in the cart
red on the image

3. recaptcha issue
i was trying to set up recaptcha but i got to stages when it wasn’t working on mobile phones it wasn’t able to click the send button
also it seems it’s recaptcha v2 not v3
it would be great if you change recaptcha to v3 or let us use the joomla captcha plugins
please take a look if it’s correct and secured for all devices it wasn’t working for me

others are just possible simple improvements

4. buttons size - green
i had issue with all button sizes because if they are default and have a text in 2 lines it looks very bad
so it would be great if we can just choose the size of all buttons i need uk-button-small i changed them with js on my image

5. submit button
the same issue is with the submit button that it’s large by default i needed to change it
also i needed to change its class to uk-button-secondary
so i have an idea if you let us choose or just input custom style just for the submit button
it’s the most important button in the cart you can also let us add the icon
even custom id or tags for some tracking use cases

6. products layout cleanout
in the product details i see some layout issues

purple - as you can see there is price on one side and the tax price on the other side
you can put them together also maybe add the product tax value as you did in product details last time

blue - on the other side there is large text for remove product
i think it could be changed just to the trash icon and moved to the update buttons

red - also there is link “product detail” that could be deleted because there is a product name and image as links
more sense would be to put there the weight of the product next to sku

hope you can fix some of the issues and maybe implement the improvements in the future
let me know if you need anything from me

thank you
Last Edit:2 weeks 6 days ago by digisys
Last edit: 2 weeks 6 days ago by digisys. Reason: im removing images showing my eshop

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Replied by joomlapro on topic Onepage cart features

Posted 2 weeks 6 days ago #800
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