JP CE Button PRO
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JP CE Button Pro takes the default Button from YOOtheme and adds a totally new "Custom Style" option where its possible to configure special icons/images, colors and backgrounds. If you need a large special custom CTA (Call to Action) button in your YOOtheme Builder this is the way to go.
How to install & use:
- Download JP CE Button Pro latest version plugin from product page.
- You can just install the plugin using the "Joomla Extension Manager", click “System -> Extensions ” and then upload the zip file to install the extension.
- From the main joomla dashboard click “System -> Manage -> Plugins”. Use the Search or Filter feature to find the installed JP CE Button Pro plugin and then make sure the installed plugin is enabled.
Add the new custom element:
- Now open "YOOtheme" website builder inside the Joomla admin and edit the page you want to add the installed "JP CE Button PRO" custom element.
- Then you can easily add installed "JP CE Button PRO" custom builder element from Yootheme PRO Website Builder.
- To add new button Pro item, create a new item using "ADD ITEM" button.
Custom button Style:
- Enter the button text in content field and link to the button in Link field.
- "Select Custom Style option"
- Set the different custom style for button as per your requirements.
- Once finished all the settings for the element , Click "Save layout" and "Close" the website builder.
Video Tutorials