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JP CE Slideshow Pro

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An advanced YOOtheme Slideshow element that supports sections and modules inside each slide.

How to install & use:

  • Download JP CE Slideshow Pro latest version plugin from product page.

  • You can just install the plugin using the "Joomla Extension Manager", click “System -> Extensions ” and then upload the zip file to install the extension.

  • From the main joomla dashboard click “System -> Manage -> Plugins”. Use the Search or Filter feature to find the installed JP CE Slideshow Pro plugin and then make sure the installed plugin is enabled.

Add the new custom element:

  • Now open "YOOtheme" website builder inside the Joomla admin and edit the page you want to add the installed "JP CE Slideshow PRO" custom element.
  • Then you can easily add installed "JP CE Slideshow PRO" custom builder element from Yootheme PRO Website Builder.

  • To add new slideshow Pro item, create a new item using "ADD ITEM" button.

Select the content type of the slideshow using "Slideshow CONTENT TYPE" option.

  1. "Content" -> Define a new content in the editor which is used as a content.
  2. "Module" -> Select any of the different predefined list of modules.
  3. "Section" -> Displays the specified yootheme builder section id content.

How to use "Section" option

  • Create a new section in the page with its content based on your requirements.

  • Give a unique id to the section under advanced tab.

  • Enter the unique section id created alraedy in which its content will be used in the slide item.

  • Once finished all the settings for the element , Click "Save layout" and "Close" the website builder.

How to use "Thumbnav" option in slideshow

  • Create a different section in the page with the content based on your requirements and configured with slideshow items using unique section ID.

  • Add the image file to the "NAVIGATION THUMBNAIL" settings in the JP CE Slideshow Pro item.

  • Set the "NAVIGATION" option as "Thumbnav" in the JP CE Slideshow Pro element settings.

  • Once finished all the settings for the element , Click "Save layout" and "Close" the website builder.

Important Configuration

  • If you faced any problem during module or section content loading issue then check the below settings
  • Open "YOOtheme" website builder inside the Joomla admin and then select "Settings -> Advanced".

  • Make sure "Load jQuery" option is enabled.

If you notice flickering of the slides then please test different settings for this:

slideshow flicker

For example if your section are "Viewport" size - then you also need to set the JP CE Slideshow Pro element settings to "Viewport" - or else there is risk of flickering between slides.

Video Tutorials



Have a look of "JP CE Slideshow PRO" output.

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