JP CE Social Share
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JP CE Social Share provides you with an easy way to display various popular social share buttons. Using this you can embed right into your posts, pages easily. And sharing your content has never been so easy.
How to install & use:
- Download JP CE Social Share latest version plugin from product page.
- You can just install the plugin using the "Joomla Extension Manager", click “System -> Extensions ” and then upload the zip file to install the extension.
- From the main joomla dashboard click “System -> Manage -> Plugins”. Use the Search or Filter feature to find the installed JP CE Social Share plugin and then make sure the installed plugin is enabled.
Add the new custom element:
- Now open "YOOtheme" website builder inside the Joomla admin and edit the page you want to add the installed "JP CE social_share" custom element.
- Then you can easily add installed "JP CE social_share" custom builder element from Yootheme PRO Website Builder.
- After adding, enable the social icons from the list in which you want to display and enter the order.
- Set the social share icons display type.
- Override Url - Use this to add a unique URL for social sharing. If left empty, the current URL will be used. Ensure the Override URL is an absolute URL
- Then set the open graph override settings with dynamic content source.
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