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VirtueMart One Page Checkout

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This is a One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 3 that will work with most regular payment methods in Virtuemart. It comes with a modern mobile friendly design (responsive) and it is built so that it will melt into your chosen Joomla template. We have designed it to be as efficient as possible for a fast and secure checkout.When Onepage Checkout is enabled, the entire checkout process takes place on a single page.

How to install:

  • Download the latest “virtueMart one page checkout” package from product page.
  • You install the virtueMart one page checkout   in the "Extension Manager" (like you install any other extension for Joomla).
  • From the main joomla menu click “Extensions -> Plugins”. Use the Search or Filter feature to find the installed plugin, and then click on the plugin.


  • Change plugin status from unpublished to published .


  • The plugin has various configuration options to meet your exact need. Proceed to the configuration and click save.


  • At the front end, visit the cart and all things displayed on one page. Customers fill full information as Billing info, Shipment address, shipping method, Payment method. Finish with one click on ''Confirm Purchase'' button.

Custom changes in virtuemart onepage checkout override files

If you want to upgrade the package in the future when we release new versions you need to do overrides of the files .

  • To override the onepage checkout layout, check your template folders e.g. if your template name is “yootheme ”, then check “ /templates/yootheme ” and assure that there is a folder called “ /html ”. If folder “ /html ” is not exist in your templates folder (templates/yootheme ) create a new “ /html ” folder.


  • Now you are ready for template override. Create a new folder in your template /html folder for the plugin name “plg_content_onepage_generic”.
  • Copy the layout file you want to override from the original plugin “/tmpl” folder to newly created override folder. Now you can edit the override file.
Joomla 4.0 supported
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Joomla 3.10 supported
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Wordpress version available
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If you encounter any problems with your website that does not cover support we might offer you a custom quote to help you.
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